Thursday 9 February 2017

WP Twin Offer

Typically their thinking starts by them saying it would be "too cluttered" to have everything on one site. Fair enough - it's good that they don't want WP Twin to confuse site visitors. But what exactly does "too much clutter" mean?

Web sites aren't like brochures or books, which are designed from start to finish and don't make it easy to jump to a specific section. A well-designed Web site can have huge amounts of information, and still make it easy for site visitors to quickly find what they want ( is a great example).

So what does make a Web site "too" cluttered that it might warrant a second site? There are three things.

If you work with multiple niche markets, and there isn't a big overlap between what these markets want, it makes sense to build a separate site for each niche. Otherwise, you're distracting your site visitors with too much that isn't relevant for them.

How much is "a big overlap"? I reckon 80%. In other words, if at least 80% of your Web site isn't relevant for one of the niches, build a separate site for that niche. Or, to put it another way, if more than 20% of your Web site is not relevant for that niche, build a separate site.

For example, if you sell weight-loss pills for women who've just had a baby, and also sell protein supplements for body-builders, you probably need a Web site for each market because there just isn't enough overlap between them. On the other hand, if you sell your weight-loss pills to two related markets, the same site might serve both.

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