Monday 20 February 2017

Tesla Code Secrets System

Oprah Winfrey mentions that passion is an energy that excites you and makes you want to go the extra mile. Warren Buffet also states that he loves what he does....he literally feels like tap dancing to work. You know you are doing the Tesla Code Secrets right thing when you are able to follow your passion. Passion is something you would do regardless of everything else. It is essentially, a deeply ingrained habit which you wish to carry on and take advantage of. Doing this, you will become more enthusiastic and more driven for your goals than ever.

Investing as much time as possible means spending upwards of 70-80 or up to 100 hours per week in working towards your goals. As you work towards your goals as much as possible, and invest your full mental energy into it, you will be able to achieve the levels of success you require to become a multi-millionaire.

Many multi-millionaires speak of the long length of time they needed to invest to get the results that they needed. Those results took long hours of work, and if you think that you can "do as little as possible" and expect exceptional results, then you are deluding yourself. The minimum amount of work you should expect to be doing is 70-80 hours per week. The more time you are able to invest, and with clear focus, the greater will be your rewards. Without sacrifice, there is no success. The success all comes with sacrifice. Pure effort and diligent action will always lead to success - as King Solomon himself states in the Old Testament, "there is profit in all labour". Long hours will bring the profit you seek, and is a lifetime investment in the achievement of your mental and physical goals.

If you read the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks, you will discover that thoughts attract and bind with thoughts of a similar nature. These thoughts are already in existence in a non-local reservoir of energy. Lynn Mctaggart in "The Field" states that this non-local reservoir is the Zero Point Field Of Energy which is the place where the absolute minimum level of energy is. There is no such thing as having "no energy" and thoughts travel in this medium in a non-local way.

Thoughts themselves are a very specific form of consciousness energy, and all thoughts and permutations of thought exist in this non-local place. When you think thoughts and continue to think the same thoughts, you connect and bind to thoughts of the same type. This then binds with more thoughts and the cycle continues. Eventually, the thought becomes so powerful that it is able to influence physical situations and circumstances directly.

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