Saturday 18 March 2017

Love Commands Course

If you're searching for information on how to attract your girlfriend back it's obvious that you're not over your ex just yet. Anyone who hasn't gone through a painful split can't fully understand all the conflicting emotions you're feeling. Many of your well meaning friends and close family members may tell you that you're better off without her and it's best to move on. How exactly are you supposed to do that if you're in love with the Love Commands woman still? Why give up on something that special? The fact is you should do what your heart tells you do to. If letting her walk out of your life feels completely wrong, you need to get serious about winning her back. With the right insight into her thoughts and feelings, some patience and some self control, you can have the woman you love back before you know it.

Understanding how to attract your girlfriend back starts with recognizing that her needs right now are very different than yours. All you want to do is talk with her to convince her that she is making a huge mistake. You believe that by reasoning with her, she'll suddenly see the light and long for you back just as much as you long for her back, right? Unfortunately, women just don't see this situation in the same way. They don't want to be confronted endlessly by an emotional ex boyfriend who seems desperate. Why would any woman want a man like that back? If you're serious about getting her back you have to show her that you're mature enough to handle changing emotions. You need her to see you as a strong, dependable man, not a whimpering, overly emotional one. Respect whatever she needs right now including space or time. If you start by giving her what she wants, you'll be laying a stronger foundation for the future.

One thing that many men lose sight of soon after a break up is that their ex once loved them deeply. This is actually a huge advantage when it comes to dating your ex girlfriend again. You know what appeals to her and you know what she finds irresistible. That's why your short term goal and primary focus after the break up needs to be working on improving who you are so she can't help but want you back. Work on the qualities that you know she enjoys most about you. If you've let yourself go, get back into tip top shape. Rediscover your humor if you always made her smile. Volunteer if she loved how compassionate and giving you were. You need to show her that you're an even better version of the man she first fell in love with. If you can do this, she'll see the best in you again and that will be very hard for her to resist.

I can't tell you how many times I hear something to the effect of, "I'll be ready to start dating when I lose this damn twenty pounds." This comes in many variations, but the essence of it is always the same. "I will be willing to put myself out there when I feel more worthy of being loved." I used to try to point out the ridiculousness of that statement and encourage, (or push) people to move past that silliness and to just get out there.

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