Monday 30 January 2017

Your Amazing Energy Engine Program

I think this is a fair question. Because fitness means many different things to many different people. For some people it is just losing a few pounds Your Amazing Energy Engine and for others being able to overpower that 400 pound offensive lineman. There are certainly different degrees of fitness and no one size fits all.

At it's core fitness is a few things. One, it is physical on some level and good fitness allows the holder to do something that they otherwise may not be able to do or to simply do something better. Two, fitness is a way of life. If you are not improving your are moving backwards, sometimes faster than others in either direction, but fitness is not static. Once you reach it you can't just curl up and enjoy it, it is more like cresting a hill and having another hill come into view. It is a journey. Three, fitness is a tool that can greatly improve your life. It can improve your physical and mental health like no other drug on the market. It is better than the cure because it can often eliminate the need for a cure.

Fitness is powerful, it allows us to control a certain aspect of our life. Many people need this level of control because they lack any control in other areas of their life. Or they need to be able to learn the discipline from fitness and apply this discipline to other areas of their life.

It may be a stretch but I think fitness can be likened to the infamous gateway drug. People who embark on a program to get in shape and loose a few pounds are often caught up in an entire physical and mental transformation. It is addictive and it can lead to other great changes in all avenues of life. It is not uncommon to hear about the freshly quit smoker who takes up running to replace his addiction, and no sooner is participating in his first marathon, which is followed by an entire diet transformation. That leads to the confidence to finally start that business that has been elusive for years, which all culminates in a new exciting life. Was it because he quit smoking or because he tried the next gateway drug of self improvement?

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